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Clean Inbox, Total Privacy

FreshInbox Delivers Both

Transform your Gmail experience—say goodbye to clutter effortlessly

Unsubscribe & Delete with ease to reclaim control of your inbox.

100% privacy guaranteed. No data leaves your browser ever.

Add to Chrome

more browser support coming soon...

What can it doKnow the Features
Unsubscribe With a single click, bid farewell to newsletters and promotional emails, streamlining your inbox and ensuring that only the content that truly matters remains.
Bulk DeleteSay goodbye to tedious, manual deletions, and effortlessly remove hundreds or thousands of emails from selected senders.
Advanced SearchEasily locate specific emails using various filters. Once identified the bulk delete feature can clear out emails in 100s or 1000s.
Privacy & SecurityFreshInbox is developed with a commitment to keeping your data secure. No data ever leaves your browser, ensuring that your sensitive information remains confidential and protected.
What our users are saying?


Manish MandalWeb Developer

Fresh Inbox's privacy focused features are great ways to keep your inbox clean while also keeping your data secure.

Pankaj KumarMobile App Developer

Fresh Inbox's helped me clean by Inbox by deleting 1000s of emails. It's Advance search feature allowed me to find emails & then bulk delete all of them in one click.

Manish MandalWeb Developer

Fresh Inbox's privacy focused features are great ways to keep your inbox clean while also keeping your data secure.

Pankaj KumarMobile App Developer

Fresh Inbox's helped me clean by Inbox by deleting 1000s of emails. It's Advance search feature allowed me to find emails & then bulk delete all of them in one click.

Manish MandalWeb Developer

Fresh Inbox's privacy focused features are great ways to keep your inbox clean while also keeping your data secure.

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Frequently Asked Questions